Tag: Pre
Names Divine @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Radio Shock @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
The Uh… @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Infinite Third @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
uploaded by BillyMaystheThird
Styrofoamswamp @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Lovebrrd @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Just Satellites @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Pre INC Saint Petersburg 2012 / The-Pangaea Project No. 24
Jiblit Dupree @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
Nequam @ Pre INC: Saint Petersburg 2012
uploaded by Vallam13
International Noise Conference Pre-Show with Jiblit Dupree, Gem of Skin, Twilight Memories of the Three Suns, Dylan Tietze and others
If there’s one thing the age of YouTube has made perfectly clear, it’s that there’s nothing, short of meat-and-potatoes entertainment, that can’t be expressed pretty effectively in under 15 minutes, and for free. The noiseniks behind the yearly INC in Miami – aka 72 hours of punishing madness – have known this all along; “free” and “under 15 minutes” are the governing principles behind the conference. Good thing, too, since many of the illustratively named acts, such as Clang Quartet, Chrome Dick and Unicorn Hard-on, range from Guantanamo-torturous to transcendentally rapturous (and usually back to Jacob’s Ladder-esque nightmare) in about as long as it takes for an audience member’s head to get bloodied. Once again this year, local Dan Reaves curates this official pre-show featuring a few noise merchants scheduled to play the Miami conference (Orlando’s SSLOTS, Jiblit Dupree, Twilight Memories, Pony Payroll Bones) along with a smattering of regional acts. – Justin Strout
Aaron Abrams @ Pre International Noise Conference: Jacksonville 2012
Ryan Reno @ Pre International Noise Conference: Jacksonville 2012
Chris Spohn @ Pre International Noise Conference: Jacksonville 2012
Keaton Orsborn @ Pre International Noise Conference: Jacksonville 2012